Liver pathology is an important area of pathology but
is not comprehensively taught at many medical centers
due to the paucity of cardiac specimens outside of the
autopsy services. Our website uses high definition
images obtained from gross pathology specimens and
histological slides, both at a resolution of 1800x1350
The images presented here represent a wide variety of
liver- pathology cases, including acquired diseases,
transplantation pathology, idiopathic diseases, tumor
pathology, etc., and are accompanied by brief
morphological descriptions. The histological images are
shown at different optical magnifications and include
conventional stains such as hematoxylin-eosin, PAS,
trichrome stains, as well as immunohistochemical stains.
Also included are some images from normal tissues and
from positive and negative controls for the
corresponding special stains.
Although aimed in
particular at pathologists, our website may serve as a
reference guide to medical students, residents &
fellows, as well as to cardiologists, cardiothoracic
surgeons, general practitioners and allied
practitioners. |